Friday, August 13, 2010


I told myself I was going to put up "Before" pictures, but I think I'm a little too embarrassed to do that right now.  Granted, I did chug about a gallon of water and a Powerade before the picture, to make myself look extra bloated in order to make the "After" pictures look that much better...  I think I have decided I will put of the before pictures when I put up my 4 week progress pictures.

On the BFL website, there are several "Champions" who have volunteered their training regimen and their diet.  I chose the only guy that was close to my age and build (before obviously), and decided to mock my diet off of his as accurately as possible.  I am skeptical that my results will be as good as his, but I can always hope.

Here is a link to his story:
Here is a link to his diet:

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